
your life choices
episode 1
directed by Suzanne Karpinski
with Crystal Arnette, Miles Butler, Jordan Carey, John Paul Harkins, Jeremy Rafal,
with a song by Niki Minaj

Thursday, Friday & Saturday @11:30pm
at The Flea Theatre
41 White Street



Had a wonderful first reading of my new play with Oliver Burns, Tegan Ritz McDuffie, Kieran Mulcare, Lilly Padilla, Jessie Ryan, Katya Stepanova


Here is a Trailer & an Individual Promo for WORK WITH ME HERE @ Here Arts Center made by the amazing Hunter Canning

WORK WITH ME HERE is a theatrical event comprised of works IN or ABOUT process. It is part performance, part installation and it takes the form of a series of works by 15 of New York’s hottest up and coming playwrights, housed in a non-traditional theatre space, an eclectic room rich with allusion, character and anachronism.

Maya Macdonald: WORK WITH ME HERE – MARCH 21st on Vimeo


For Tickets


We did a reading of my new draft last week with some wonderful actors.’

Readers were: Jessica Brown, Darcy Fowler, Briana Pozner, Eli Gelb, Faran Krentcil, and a bowl of gummy bears


On March 21st I will be presenting new work in progress as part of Work With Me at HERE Arts Center.

Full details to follow.


On DECEMBER 20th at 7pm I will be reading from new work along with writer Jane Hoppen as part of an evening works at KGB


I’ll be showing some work at Leah Nanako Winkler’s launch party for a book of plays performed in NYC between 2008 and 2013 called Nagoriyuki and Other Short Plays

Kieran Mulcare will be reading a piece from one of my plays.

It’s August 14th, 7:30pm @ Dixon Place.

Here are the details


a new monologue i’m calling for you I wrote

will be performed by Louiza Collins Directed by Nicole Watson